The Ligi Ndogo Planets travel to Kristiansand and Venesela,
for the inaugural PlussbankCup tournament in Norway. The tournament starts on
23rd and will run for to 27th June
Plussbank Cup is a tournament for adolescents aged between 8
and 18 years. It began in 2008 and has attracted more than 1000 teams from all
over the world. Last year more than 473 teams participated. It is run by
clubs,Vindbjart and Donn.
Ligi Ndogo will be represented by an U10 team consisting 20 players,3 officials and travelling parents.
Ligi Ndogo will be represented by an U10 team consisting 20 players,3 officials and travelling parents.
This is part of Ligi Ndogo’s initiative to further nurture
the football potential in its members and to offer them an opportunity to
realize first hand, international competition.