Thursday, December 8

End of 30:Looking Forward to Season 31

Ligi Ndogo season 30 came to an end on Saturday 3rd after doing a twelve week cycle that started on 17th September.
Season 30 brought its excitements along its disappointments too. However everybody was a winner by virtue of participation.
The Ligi Ndogo Senior team missed a promotion to the apex of Kenyan soccer after a last day decision left them to try again next season.Ligi finished second,a match behind Muhoroni Youth. However Muhoroni's cumulative point tally and match improprieties were the subject of pending reviews from the league's disciplinary committee.Ligi had to wait until a league ruling on Wednesday 30 for lights out to the next level.
The U17 took a tour of the UK in July and finished third in the Keele Cup tournament.
In Gigiri,Karen,South B and Ngong’ Rd Atom, Junior and Mid the normal curriculum featured evaluation on dribbling,passing,shooting,ball control,heading,attacking and defending. Several players emerged outstanding and will be awarded in their categories.