Desmond, affably referred to as Christuardo,has played at Ligi Ndogo ever since he was a mid.At 5'9",66kg and still growing. The left winger has scored 15 goals for the U17s.
Desmond is blessed with the ability to be in the right place at the right time. Most of his goals have been pounces off rebounds and runs from unlikely angles. Hugely gifted with the mental ability to analyze situations, Desmonds is the kind of player who creates goals when none is expected.
Name Desmond Mugambi Ikirima
Position Left Wing
Born 1st Feb 1994 Nairobi, Kenya
Nationality Kenyan
Height 180 cm/6 feet
Weight 66kg/148.5lbs
Foot Right
Foot Right
Skills Dead balls at centre field; beating marker off the ball
Student at United States International University High School Laiser Hill
Teams Ligi Ndogo U17