and a player may not reach their full potential level.Players may quit before completion of the required standard due to undereating/overeating before the exercise,tension,etc.
There are three main areas that can be addressed to maximize beep test score: mental toughness, pacing strategies and physical
conditioning.Depending on what level a player is at, one or more of these can be used to help achieve full potential in this test.
Factors to consider
Although the beep test is primarily a fitness assesment test of the aerobic energy system, there are a range of other factors that can affect performance in the test and are important to consider. These include:
- Running efficiency and turning technique
- Anaerobic capacity
- Motivation and social dynamics
- Motor skills and cognitive ability (especially in children)
- Environmental differences
- Clothing and running surfaces
- Test familiarization and instructions
- The purpose and context of testing
- Variations of the Beep Test
- Mental Tougness
- Physical Training
Description This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps. For this reason the test if also often called the 'beep' or' bleep' test. The test subjects stand behind one of the lines facing the second line, and begin running when instructed by the cd or tape. The speed at the start is quite slow. The subject continues running between the two lines, turning when signaled by the recorded beeps. After about one minute, a sound indicates an increase in speed, and the beeps will be closer together. This continues each minute (level). If the line is not reached in time for each beep, the subject must run to the line turn and try to catch up with the pace within 2 more ‘beeps’. Also, if the line is reached before the beep sounds, the subject must wait until the beep sounds. The test is stopped if the subject fails to reach the line (within 2 meters) for two consecutive ends. There are several versions of the test.